Mali: China calls for political solution, rejects forceful power transition

Mali: China calls for political solution, rejects forceful power transition

China has called upon the parties to the Malian crisis to solve disagreements via dialogue and refrain from a military-driven power transition, an official said.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, said this at a news conference on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, a group of Malian soldiers initiated an uprising at the Kati military base near Bamako, the capital of Mali, demanding political reforms and fair elections.

Rebels kidnapped several high-ranking officials, including President Ibrahim Keita and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse.

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Keita subsequently, announced the resignation of the government and parliament.

“China is closely monitoring the situation in Mali. We are opposed to power transition via use of military force or any other unlawful methods,” Zhao Lijian said.

As stated by the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Beijing has called upon the Malian conflict parties to “consider the country’s root interests, solve the disagreements via dialogue, restore order as soon as possible and ensure stability and unity of the nation.”

The spokesman also asserted China’s support of efforts of the regional and international organisations, particularly the AU and the Economic Community of West African States, in promoting the peace process in Mali.

The restive military has closed the country’s borders, imposed a curfew and declared establishing a new power institution, dubbed National Committee for the Salvation of the People.

The international community widely condemned the uprising, calling on the soldiers to respect the country’s constitutional order and refrain from violence.



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