South Africa reinstates alcohol ban to free hospital beds for COVID-19 patients

South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa, announced that the country would fall back, with immediate effect on the ban of the sale of alcoholic drinks, this is aimed at reducing the volume of trauma patients, making several hospitals have free bed spaces to treat and cater for COVID-19 patients.

South Africa Antagonised by surging hospitalizations because of coronavirus pandemic is returning to the implementation of night curfews to minimize accidents, and traffics, making it mandatory for every resident to put on facemasks, shields in public spaces.

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According to President Cyril Ramaphosa, “As South Africa reaches a peak of Coronavirus cases, health officials warn of the forthcoming bed shortages at hospitals as well as medical oxygen, to be expected between the end of July and early week of September.

South Africa has recorded an increase of over 10,000 cases confirmed in the past few days, with a daily increase of about 13, 500 individuals, according to the Africa Centre For Disease Control.

African Informants

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